To v4 from v3

This guide only shows major changes that affect end users. For more details please see the changelog.

Node.js v4

If you are still using Node.js v4 or lower, you need to upgrade your Node.js installation to Node.js v6 or higher.

Instructions for upgrading your Node.js version can be found here.


The CLI has moved to a separate package: webpack-cli. You need to install it before using webpack, see basic setup.

The installation guide can be found here.

Update plugins

Many 3rd party plugins need to be updated to the latest versions to be compatible with webpack 4. Links to popular plugins can be found here.


Add the new mode option to your configuration. Set it to 'production', 'development' or 'none' depending on your configuration type.


module.exports = {
  // ...
+  mode: 'production',

Deprecated/Removed plugins

These plugins can be removed from configuration as they are default in production mode:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
-    new ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
-    new DefinePlugin({ "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("production") })
-    new UglifyJsPlugin()

These plugins are default in development mode


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NamedModulesPlugin()

These plugins were deprecated and are now removed:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NoErrorsPlugin(),
-    new NewWatchingPlugin()


The CommonsChunkPlugin was removed. Instead the optimization.splitChunks options can be used.

See documentation of the optimization.splitChunks for more details. The default configuration may already suit your needs.

import() and CommonJS

When using import() to load non-ESM the result has changed in webpack 4. Now you need to access the default property to get the value of module.exports.


module.exports = {
  sayHello: () => {
    console.log('hello world');


function sayHello() {
  import('./non-esm.js').then((module) => {

json and loaders

When using a custom loader to transform .json files you now need to change the module type:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  rules: [
      test: /config\.json$/,
      loader: 'special-loader',
+     type: 'javascript/auto',
      options: {...}

When still using the json-loader, it can be removed:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  rules: [
-     test: /\.json$/,
-     loader: 'json-loader'


module.loaders were deprecated since webpack 2 and are now removed in favor of module.rules.

3 Contributors


You are reading the documentation for webpack 5, the latest release. Read the webpack 4 documentation here. See the migration guide for upgrading to webpack 5.